The Science Of Health: How Egg
Freezing Is Performed, Its Risks, And How Much It Costs In India
Egg freezing
is an excellent mode of assisted reproductive technology because the chances of
conceiving naturally decreases as a woman gets older, and the number of eggs
she has declines. Therefore, it allows a woman to preserve her eggs when they
are of the highest quality.
Egg freezing
or oocyte cryopreservation is an assisted reproductive technology (ART)
technique that involves the hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, followed by
transvaginal extraction of a woman's viable eggs (oocytes), and their
subsequent freezing and storage, in order to preserve the woman's reproductive
potential while she is of reproductive age. The technique allows the woman to
thaw her frozen eggs in the future in order to fertilise them when she wants to
have a child.
Egg freezing
is an excellent mode of ART because the chances of conceiving naturally
decreases as a woman gets older, and the number of eggs she has declines.
Therefore, egg freezing allows a woman to preserve her eggs when they are of
the highest quality.
The scientific procedure for egg
Before egg
freezing is performed, a woman is assessed by a fertility specialist through
blood tests and pelvic ultrasound to determine the necessary dose of
medications. The woman is given injectable hormonal medications to induce
ovarian stimulation, after which the oocytes and the surrounding fluid in the
ovarian follicles are aspirated vaginally under sedation.
According to
the University of California Los Angeles, a specialist assesses the maturity of
the eggs under a microscope, and selects the mature eggs for
Egg freezing
can be performed either through slow-freezing or flash-freezing, which is also
called vitrification. Flash-freezing is preferred over slow-freezing because it
ensures increased oocyte survival after thawing, and improved pregnancy rates.
Relevant medical associations recommend vitrification, according to the US
National Institutes of Health (NIH).
In the case
of vitrification, cryoprotectants are used, and there is ultra-rapid cooling. Ultra-rapid
cooling is performed to ensure that the cells are solidified, and ice crystals
are not formed.
Ramanathan told ABP Live that the world's first birth through oocyte
freezing and thawing was pioneered by Professor Christopher Chen in Australia,
in 1986.
In 2008, a
29-year-old woman gave birth to a baby after the transfer of embryos generated
from frozen-thawed eggs. This was the first reported pregnancy and delivery of
a baby through oocyte preservation in India, according to a 2009 study
published in the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences.
Bhatnagar told ABP Live that according to the Assisted Reproductive
Technology (Regulation) Act 2021, egg freezing is listed as one of the
treatments provided by ART clinics. She stated that egg freezing as a
legitimate option allows individuals to preserve their fertility for various
personal or medical reasons.
Bhatnagar said that injections are administered to the woman for eight to
10 days before the eggs are extracted. Ultrasound is conducted to check the
size of the follicles, which are small, fluid-filled sacs in a woman's ovaries.
Injections are given to ensure that the number of follicles in the ovaries
increases by 10 times. After each follicle becomes 18 millimeter's in length, a
process called "trigger" is performed. It is the hormonal shot
performed to trigger the eggs to mature. This medication prepares the woman's
body to release the eggs at just the right time for their retrieval.
According to
Dr. Ramanathan, a woman who wishes to get her eggs frozen must first
undergo a transvaginal scan so that her uterus, ovaries and follicles can be
assessed. After this, a few hormonal tests are performed to check the levels of
the follicular stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone.
The woman is
taken to the operation theatre 36 hours after the trigger. While the eggs are
being extracted, the woman is sedated using anaesthesia.
the pre-operative anaesthetic procedures are performed, and the woman is
checked to see if all her vital marks are normal. The woman lays on the
operation table, and the ultrasound is on. We put a small needle and aspirate
all the fluids and follicles out. A small vacuum is used to perform this. The
fluid is collected in a test tube, and passed on to the embryologist, who scans
the fluid under the microscope to see the eggs," Dr. Bhatnagar
After the
follicular fluid is collected, it is scanned under a stereo zoom
microscope, Salian said. "A small, shiny, bead-like structure.
This is called the oocyte cumulus complex."
The oocyte
cumulus complex contains somatic cells that play an important role in the
growth of the oocyte, ovulation and fertilisation.
collect the oocyte cumulus complex and keep it inside the incubator. The
incubator is something which maintains body temperature. It has six per cent
carbon dioxide, and maintains a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. After about
three hours, a procedure called denudation is performed," Salian
is a process in which the cumulus cells surrounding an egg are removed.
injecting an egg with sperm during in-vitro fertilisation, it is important to
know if the egg is mature or not.
"We can
make sure if an egg is mature or not by ensuring that it has a polar body. An
egg without a polar body is not used for in-vitro fertilisation. In order to
check whether an egg has a polar body or not, denudation is performed. The cumulus
cells surrounding the egg are completely removed. After this, with the help of
the microscope, we can clearly see whether the oocyte has a polar body or not.
If the oocyte is mature, it is taken for egg freezing," Salian
Dr. Ramanathan said that the embryologist can assess the maturity of the eggs
only a couple of hours after denudation. Only the good quality and mature eggs
are frozen through vitrification.
egg can also be taken for intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
mature oocytes are called M-II oocytes. In order to perform egg freezing,
different freezing media are used. There is an equilibration solution and a
vitrification solution. The egg is first put in the equilibration solution, and
then in the vitrification solution. These solutions are made of cryoprotectants
and sugars. We make small droplets of this media on a Petri dish. After being
subject to cryoprotectants in the equilibration and vitrification solutions,
the eggs are loaded onto a device called Cryotop. This is a vitrification
device. Immediately after this, the eggs are plunged into liquid nitrogen. Once
the eggs are plunged into liquid nitrogen, they will remain cryopreserved until
they are thawed," Salian said.
The eggs are
cryopreserved at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius.
Benefits of egg freezing:
Young women
with cancer who are at a risk of sterility as a result of cancer or its
treatment have been using egg freezing for fertility preservation since the
late 1990s. Social egg freezing, which is opted by a healthy, fertile woman, in
order to have a pregnancy later in life, at around the age of 45 to 50, is
usually offered to women under 38 years of age, the ideal age being 25 years,
because this increases the chances of a future pregnancy. However, mostly women
above 35 years of age opt for egg freezing. Nevertheless, this is an effective
technique to preserve eggs and have healthy, genetically-related children at a
later stage of life.
benefit of egg freezing is that it allows a woman to become a genetic parent
using her frozen-thawed eggs, and reduces the risk of having children with
chromosomal abnormalities associated with ovarian aneuploidy, which refers to
the occurrence of one or more extra or missing chromosomes leading to an
unbalanced chromosome complement.
egg freezing can be opted by women with cancer requiring chemotherapy or pelvic
radiation therapy, those with a family history of early menopause, ovarian
failure due to chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner syndrome and fragile X
syndrome, genetic mutations requiring the removal of ovaries, women who have
had a surgery that may cause damage to the ovaries, those with an ovarian
disease that poses a risk of damage to the ovaries, and women who want to
preserve their fertility for personal reasons to delay childbearing.
How much does egg freezing cost in
Egg freezing
is an expensive technique, and costs over 1.5 lakhs.
cost of egg freezing in India can vary from 1.6 to 2.5 lakhs for the entire
procedure. However, the maintenance and storage of eggs or embryos is
additional," Dr Bhatnagar said.
Risks of egg freezing:
Egg freezing
is an excellent ART procedure, but it comes with some risks. These include
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which refers to the enlargement of the
ovaries and fluid accumulation in the pelvis and abdomen, infection, and
bleeding during the egg retrieval procedure.
According to
the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), mild-to-moderate ovarian
hyperstimulation syndrome involves fatigue, nausea, headaches, abdominal pain,
breast tenderness and irritability. However, these adverse effects can usually
be well-controlled. In about 0.1 to two per cent of patients, severe ovarian
hyperstimulation occurs, which results in blood clots, shortness of breath,
abdominal pain, dehydration and vomiting. In such cases, the woman must be
hospitalised, and in rare instances, death can result.
Other risks for
women who wish to undergo egg freezing include multiple pregnancy, premature
delivery, pregnancy-related high blood pressure, operative delivery, and
infants with low birth weight.
How successful is egg freezing?
According to
the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority, a body under the United
Kingdom government which oversees the use of gametes and embryos in fertility
treatment and research, the success rates of egg freezing are quite low.
However, with improving technology, the success rates are increasing. Also, the
use of ultra-rapid freezing or vitrification has helped improve the success
?It has
taken several years for oocyte cryopreservation to be offered as a successful
ART option, with acceptable pregnancy outcomes. The success rate has improved
by replacing slow freezing with ultra-rapid vitrification and utilisation of
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection for fertilising frozen-thawed oocytes. Oocyte
freezing was initially exclusively attempted for fertility preservation in
women with cancers who underwent gonadotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It
was in the experimental stage until 2013 when the American society for
reproductive medicine (ASRM) approved its use for fertility preservation in
oncology patients. In 2018, the ASRM practice committee accepted social egg
freezing as ethically permissible and termed it as planned oocyte
cryopreservation? (Planned OC),? Dr Ramanathan said.
She concluded that since then, egg freezing has been widely used for various medical indications such as donor egg banking and social egg freezing to overcome age-related decrease in fertility potential.